Saturday 3 December 2016

5 Most Common Myths About Plumbing In Croydon Has Been Debunked

Are you planning to buy some plumbing supplies to be installed in your new house or replace the existing one? Then you must have surely come across few myths surrounding plumbing. These myths have been passed on from generation to generation and are nowadays regarded as truth. These are simply the results of “he/she said so” and its origin is still unknown. The base on which these sentences has been asserted are not known either.

Only the specialist knows that these statements are baseless rumours but normal people often get fooled by those. There are numerous facts and fiction about toilets, drains, and water pipes in our kitchen and bathroom. All these rumours make us more confused when we are buying Plumbing supplies in Croydon. But trust us; these beliefs are nothing more than mere myths. The faster these myths are debunked, the more you can make use of the system.

Tell Tales About Plumbing In Croydon

Dropping Lemons Peels In The Disposal Can Neutralise Its Smell

Though it might smell nice but the peels will definitely clog your drains. The disposal should be powerful enough so that it can cut through the lemon peels. It is advisable not to try the lemon peel trick and instead pour some vinegar to freshen up the disposal.

Use Soap To Clean Your Tap And Plumbing Supplies

Soap can no doubt help to clean the plumbing supplies but using them to clean your tap and sink will surely make them lose their luster in the long run. The surface of these materials is affected so it would cause more damage than good.

Wet Wipes Can Be Disposed Of Through The Toilet

You can dispose wet wipes in your toilet but stay prepared to call a plumber soon. Being bio-degradable you can flush them down the toilet but they pile up in the drain, thus clogging the drainage system in the long run. Unless you call a plumber, the backlog can’t be cured.

Few More Rumours About Plumbing System in Croydon

Use Ice Cubes To Sharpen The Blades Of Your Disposal Unit

Though ice cubes can clean the blades of your disposal, but using them to sharpen the blades is a strict no-no! The effect can actually be just the opposite. The approx lifetime of the blades is 10 years, after which replacing them is a better option than trying to sharpen them.

Use Toilet Bowl Tablets Containing Bleach To Keep Your Toilet Clean

Bleach in these tablets often settles down in the tank and affects the working parts of your toilet. They might stop functioning for almost a period of 6 months. Though keeping bleach in the bowl is perfectly fine, putting them in the tank for even few minutes can cause more damage than you can imagine.

Time to Change The Cycle

These myths spreading misinformation about the plumbing system should be stopped right away. Keeping away from these will surely help the coming generation face less plumbing issues.